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5/8 inch Snap Setting Dies for Mil-Spec MIL-MS27983-2N,
Standard Size 24 PTD Snaps

Sets Pull the Dot (PTD) Type Snap Fastener Component, Socket MIL-MS27983-2N,
use with size 24 dies (sold together with our Professional Snap Setter Tool for Mil-Spec Snaps)

5/8 inch Snap Setting Dies for Mil-Spec MIL-MS27983-2N, Standard Size 24 PTD Snaps

Price: $45.00 Each
(before quantity discounts)

Quality tools still Made in America.

Note: only the socket die for the Size 24 PTD snap sockets ( MIL-MS27983-2N) is included. The other components of the Mil-Spec Size 24 PTD Snaps (MIL-MS27983-3N,1N & MIL-MS27980-8N) utilize the same dies as the Size 24 Standard Mil-Spec Snap Components (included with Professional Snap Setting Tool for Mil-Spec Snaps)

Old Model Number: SDMSP24

Search Terms / Also Called: snap die, snap setting die, PTD die, PTD Snap Setting die, MIL-MS27983-2N

Product Information and Discounts

Product Name:
5/8 inch Snap Setting Dies for Mil-Spec MIL-MS27983-2N,
Standard Size 24 PTD Snaps

Model Number:
Hardware Model Numbers were updated January 2016

Shipping Weight:
0.04 lbs. (0.02 kg)

Product Specifications

  • No Minimum Order Quantity
  • Quantity Discounts are available
  • Products that are in stock in our warehouse can ship the same day.

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