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Heavy Duty Sewing Needle Assortment Number 1

Includes five different sewing needles

Five piece Heavy Duty Sewing Needle Set Number 1
Price: $8.75 Per Each
(before quantity discounts)

Made for Hand Sewing Heavy Fabric and Materials

This Needle Set contains an assortment of Five very "beefy" German Steel needles for hand sewing the heaviest of materials.

2 Curved Upholstery needles (large & larger); ideal for repairing upholstered chairs, car seats. mattresses Etc.

1 "Spooned" Packing needle; for sewing up sacks, burlap bags, jute back, cocoa-nut matting and whenever sewing with string is needed.

1 Sail Maker's needle; for repairing Sun blinds, Deckchairs, Tents, Tarpaulins and Sails.

1 Carpet needle; for general purpose heavy duty sewing.

Old Model number: NHA001

Search Terms / Also Called: sewing needle, heavy duty sewing, curved sewing needle

Product Information and Discounts

Product Name:
Five piece Heavy Duty Sewing Needle Set Number 1

Model Number:
Hardware Model Numbers were updated January 2016

Shipping Weight:
0.03 lbs. (0.01 kg)

Product Specifications

  • No Minimum Order Quantity
  • Quantity Discounts are available
  • Products that are in stock in our warehouse can ship the same day.

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